cephalopods of the real
cephalopods of the real
Jue, Melody. ‘Inscription / Vampire Squid Media’. In Wild Blue Media, 71–111. Durham: Duke University Press, 2020.

Miller, T.S. ‘From Bodily Fear to Cosmic Horror (and Back Again): The Tentacle Monster from Primordial Chaos to Hello Cthulhu’. Lovecraft Annual No. 5 (2011): 121–54. [fragments]

Roberts, Maggie. Conscious Exotica, 2019. https://vimeo.com/330237334
Jue, Melody. ‘Inscription / Vampire Squid Media’. In Wild Blue Media, 71–111. Durham: Duke University Press, 2020.

Miller, T.S. ‘From Bodily Fear to Cosmic Horror (and Back Again): The Tentacle Monster from Primordial Chaos to Hello Cthulhu’. Lovecraft Annual No. 5 (2011): 121–54. [fragments]

Roberts, Maggie. Conscious Exotica, 2019.
reference list:

reference list:
Cephalopods have long haunted human imagination as gods or monsters, inspiring myths, legends and fiction to recently become almost ubiquitous in theory and popular culture. Their fluid tentacular bodies with complex nervous systems offer countless possibilities for speculation.

In this session we will focus on the second chapter of Melody Jue’s Wild Blue Media, an in-depth consideration of Flusser’s experimental work of media theory Vampyroteuthis Infernalis which by thinking with a vampire squid will guide us through themes of communication, spatiality and historical consciousness whilst the fragments of T. S. Miller’s text will introduce a trajectory of perpetual cosmic horror.

Alongside the readings we will look at visual references including Conscious Exotica (2019), by Maggie Roberts, a video installation of a vivid animation of underwater seemingly from an octopus & AI viewpoint.
Cephalopods have long haunted human imagination as gods or monsters, inspiring myths, legends and fiction to recently become almost ubiquitous in theory and popular culture. Their fluid tentacular bodies with complex nervous systems offer countless possibilities for speculation.

In this session we will focus on the second chapter of Melody Jue’s Wild Blue Media, an in-depth consideration of Flusser’s experimental work of media theory Vampyroteuthis Infernalis which by thinking with a vampire squid will guide us through themes of communication, spatiality and historical consciousness whilst the fragments of T. S. Miller’s text will introduce a trajectory of perpetual cosmic horror.

Alongside the readings we will look at visual references including Conscious Exotica (2019), by Maggie Roberts, a video installation of a vivid animation of underwater seemingly from an octopus & AI viewpoint.
& abyssal cosmic monsters
& abyssal cosmic monsters
heinous tentacles
heinous tentacles
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cosmic monstrosities
cosmic monstrosities